How to Purchase Hides:
A small number of both whole and partial hides are offered for sale each year. This inventory varies continuously, and each hide is unique. Please understand that there are no leathers which are always kept in stock.
Hides can only be mailed at certain times of the year.
Individuals on the Priority List receive email notifications of hides for sale (in list form) before an upcoming sale is made public, and can purchase these hides ahead of a public sale. The Priority List is recommended if you are actively seeking for certain kinds of hides (especially deer hides), as hides in public sales can sometimes sell quickly. To join the Priority List, or remove yourself from the list, send an email to StormsofDaylight@gmail.com with the subject title “Priority hide sale list.” In your email, please clearly include the email address(es) you would like included in (or removed from) the list.
Waitlists are available for some hides. If you are seeking for a specific kind of hide and none are currently available, you may ask to join a waitlist for that specific category.
For example: “hair-off possum rawhide,” “grain-on vegetable tanned deer hides,” or “any portion of a hide from X species of animal.”
When a hide in that category becomes available, individuals will be notified by email in order by number on the waitlist.
To ask to join a waitlist for a specific hide, email StormsofDaylight@gmail.com with the subject title “Join Hide Waitlist.”
Public hide sales are currently held through Instagram. Instagram sales are on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Small portions of leather (within 1 square foot) cut to your desired dimensions are often available throughout the year. These usually consist of vegetable tanned deer leather, deer rawhide, and deer buckskin. Buckskin thong (cord) cut to length may also be available. Small scraps may include many other miscellaneous animal species and leather styles. Email StormsofDaylight@gmail.com to inquire about cuts and scraps.
For information about tanning commissions, visit the Commissions page.
Hides can currently be shipped within the U.S. and Canada. The buyer pays for shipping costs, which must be paid before your hide is mailed. Accepted payment methods include PayPal and Venmo. Lyrra does not offer bulk discounts. All hide sales are final.